
Friday, October 1, 2010

Safari Soap Opera

Being on safari is kind of like watching a soap opera. The same themes exist in love triangles, heartbreak, murder, fierce competition, romance, bad choices, second chances, missed opportunites, family get the idea. I loved watching these stories unfold right before my eyes with my guide as the narrator. There is so much drama in nature!

This is hippo foreplay (I won't subject you to what I saw next!)

pregnant zebra
Heaven's rays over the Serengeti

Hungry Hungry Hippo

I now understand the whole bird watching thing. Birds are so cool!!!

Visiting all the animals that live within the Ngorongoro Crater made me think about how life is really about getting along with others and sharing resources. The animals out there do it so well. The zebras and wildebeest are not in war with each other over the grass. They share it! And if you don't like someone, you just do your best to avoid crocodiles and hippos...or lions and hyenas. It shouldn't be so difficult for people to coexist with one another. If animals can do it, then why can't we?

Serengeti safari with Natcho
Maasai schoolhouse, with 40+ kids inside all under the age of six...sitting quietly. I can't figure this out and part of me thinks it was just for show. "Hurry, kids....the tourists are here....places everybody!"
One of the many well behaved "Kindergarten" students in the Maasai school.
(Check out the toothpick accessory through his ear.)
I'm not sure if reincarnation exists, but if it does....please, please, please don't make me return as a Maasai woman. That is my idea of hell on Earth. I've always romanticized tribal cultures, but after visiting a Maasai village I can now say with 100% assurance that there is nothing romantic about being a Maasai woman. I won't get into the details, but let's just say it's a very male-dominated culture. And...their diet of meat, milk and blood is gross. Really gross.

Maasai men doing their jumping dance

 Leave it to me to end up at an Irish pub in rural Africa!

On our last day of safari, we stayed at a place called "The Octogon Lodge" and it was so beautiful! Plus they had an Irish pub!!!! I couldn't have been happier.

Natcho and I are now off to the coast of Tanzania to explore the beaches, snorkel and practice our Swahili. I return to Moshi on Oct. 10th to start volunteering again at Give a Heart to Africa. I'm feeling very, very lucky.


  1. Absolutely Magnificent!!! I laughed out loud on your part about being a Maasai woman and finding an Irish Pub! Classic! Thanks so much for continuing to allow us to follow your journey... so amazing. Can't wait to see what is next!

  2. Simply incredible.. wow what great picts're looking very healthy and happy and we're very grateful for that.

    P.S. Hippos sure do have a lot of gnarly teeth for simply eating grass.

  3. Like everyone else, I'm really loving these, Kristin. I feel privileged to tag along on your journey. By the way, I'm starting a list of people who I think should be reincarnated as Masai women. So far I have O.J. Simpson and Dick Cheney...

  4. I'm so happy you get to share some of these wonderful moments with Nat. The photos are a treat, thanks.

  5. Kristin you are the best blogger. The pictures are incredible and I hang on every word. You have a flair for this. Maybe your next job will be working for a travel magazine. I am loving this. Have fun and keep writing.

  6. Leave it to you to find an Irish Pub in the middle of the desert! What next??

  7. I agree with Debbie. :) Maybe I can tag along on one of your next jobs to carry your bags for you! :) Rach

  8. The pictures are incredible, keep them coming.. I can see the travel magazine thing too. Your Mom and I could meet up with you and see the world. Stay safe, Love you, Aunt Mary

  9. What you're seeing is so amazing! Most people will never get to see and be where you are!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  10. `I love the shawl you're wearing at the pub!!! xx
