
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Impulsive Me

“Follow your instinct” always seems to be good advice, but what happens when your instinct turns out to be wrong?  In my case, you end up in New York City by yourself.  Even though I feel crazy for being here, it’s giving me time to reflect, freak out, walk in the snow, cry, think about next steps, have great conversations, explore, eat the best food ever, and rediscover what makes me ME. 

Sometimes we get lost just when we think we’re on the right track.  Kind of like hiking when you realize you’ve missed the trail…Panic sets in..and then, more often than not, you stumble upon something really amazing and beautiful that you wouldn’t have seen otherwise…and then somehow you find the path again. Sometimes getting lost can be the best thing for us because it redirects us in a more focused way.

When I returned from Africa, I felt like I had lost a sense of who I was. I’m not sure why, but my goals seemed to disappear upon my return to San Diego…and I was overwhelmed by the thought of what to do next.  I didn’t feel like the amazing African me…I became mundane me (but with great pictures and cool stories). Africa was over and I needed to decide what to do next, but I couldn’t find the passion to plan my next adventure.  

So what do you do when you lose your passion?  You follow your instinct…to NYC, obviously.  The first few days here absolutely shattered any faith I had in my intuition, but I’m confident that it will all make sense soon enough. In the meantime, I'm listening to Josh Rouse, enjoying the snow, and eating my way through the city...
Japanese Ramen...Incredible.
Minca Ramen Factory
A restaurant that specializes in Mac-n-Cheese!
(almost as good as mine)


  1. Kristin -
    I have so enjoyed your accounts and your honesty. A quote comes to mind: "God draws straight with crooked lines." I don't know if that helps, but I just wanted to say I think you are, in your own way, heroic. And thanks for the turn on to Josh Rouse.
    Buenas suerte,
    cousin Bruce

  2. If nothing else, the food alone was enough reason to go to New York....You have found food heaven! You will now know New York and whatever you learn and experience there will just expand your horizons. So just enjoy it for what it is and be thankful that you have the curiosity to go exploring!
